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Back to Influencer School: The Strategic Value of a Trip

By Sofi Biviano

a friend taking a picture of a couple taking a selfie of themselves

If there’s one thing that unites Millennial and Gen Z, it certainly isn’t crew socks. Instead, it’s the collective infatuation with influencer trip content. Whether you are fully subscribed to the lavish Tarte Cosmetics views of Bora Bora or are only tuned in for the #TarteDrama, one thing is true: consumers are watching and talking.

Often referred to as FAM (familiarization) trips by some sectors, this breathtaking content has taken over Feeds and is known to elicit a wide range of consumer responses. These trips have recently grown in the size, scale and complexity and can lead to successful results if done right. On the flip side, they are also subject to intense consumer criticism if a variety of perspectives aren’t considered.

 From last year’s updates to the FTC guidelines to the ‘Underconsumption Core’ trend to the transition to demure fall, influencer marketing is constantly evolving. In the spirit of back-to-school season, here are some best practices for coordinating influencer trips.

Why Influencer Trips Are Important

When thinking through strategy, the value of trips lies in their ability to bring creators together to share a direct and tangible experience of the brand with consumers. This experience intensifies their connection to what they are creating and in return, amplifies awareness and leads to increased share of voice.

Trips can be a highly effective tactic for reaching younger audiences, while simultaneously creating a bank of cost-effective content that can be repurposed for organic social media, advertising assets, website content, and more, depending on the rights negotiated.

Here are six things to keep in mind when planning:

Know Your (and Their) Audience

There is no one-size-fits-all approach and as consumers get more discerning, authenticity should be a priority. It is important to select influencers that reach the right target audience and have an organic interest in the experience, so that content does not come across as forced. Additionally, trusting the influencer’s direction on what works best for their audience will lead to a mutually beneficial partnership and high performing content. For Clink Different, we work with lifestyle and wine education-centric influencers to make the topics of Bordeaux and German wines more relatable, fun and accessible: from boots-on-the-ground content that shows them shaking the soil-stained hands of winemakers in the Ahr region of Germany and flying over the iconic Château d’Yquem in Sauternes, to showcasing local tastings at major retailers such as Whole Foods and exciting festivals such as Austin Food & Wine Festival.

Be Crystal Clear

The importance of a meaningful connection is even more evident when a time commitment and travel are involved. Be transparent about the specifics, in terms of what the brand is looking to achieve (organic vs. sponsored content), the budget and the desired usage rights from the onset of the conversation.

Both Sides Add Value

Producing fresh, original content takes an investment of time and money. This style of content is a way for audiences to see the brand through a trusted set of eyes. Influencers also need the brand to create value for them – and their followers – through unique experiences (think: hot air balloon rides and visits to historical locations) and points-of-view that will stand out on their Feeds.

Content Above All Else

Before itineraries are set, we ask attendees for a list of things that they would like to see, taste and drink so that they are fully invested in the experience. Additionally, we like to provide them with ample time to rest, edit and catch up on emails since they commit to extensive time away from their laptops.

Bring The Excitement Home

These influencer relationships shouldn’t end after the trip. We continue to build on these relationships, showing their audiences how the product is incorporated into their everyday lives at home. Since they’ve already had a positive experience with the brand, their content is more authentic and trustworthy. This matters with today’s social-savvy consumer.

Know When To Break Rules

Hydration packet company Waterboy chose to flip the script, opting to offer an all-expenses paid brand trip to customers instead of influencers. Coined “Cabo With Customers,” the contest awarded six customers with a tropical getaway and captured their reactions to the luxury experience that is usually earmarked for top-tier influencers. The brand knew their audience would engage with a disruptive twist on the tactic, proving that being authentic is the key to success.

Whether an influencer trip is on your radar or if you are looking to engage influencers to create content that will resonate with a wider audience, RF|Binder delivers industry-leading influencer campaigns that help brands achieve their communications and business objectives. We’d love to discuss how to execute a successful trip that leads to impactful results. Get in touch!

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