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RF|Binder 2021-2022 Impact Report

By Amy Binder

Cover of the RF|Binder Impact Report 2021-2022.

Since our founding over 20 years ago, RF|Binder, a woman-owned and managed company, has been committed to social impact and sustainability, and building an organization that prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are proud to have built a team that is driven by our purpose to empower our clients and ourselves to have impact, both internally, with every member of our team, and externally, by helping our clients recognize their opportunities for positive impact on society and the environment.

We know how important it is to lead by example. This means fostering a culture and workplace environment where our team can do their best work, be their authentic selves, have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally and give back to society in a positive way. We have outlined in our Impact Report short and long-term goals and recognize while we are proud of the impact we have made collectively and our progress toward achieving our goals, we have more work to do.

Throughout my entire career, I have been committed to the concept that business can be a force for good–one of the most important guiding principles of our firm. We believe that business leaders and brands have the power—and the responsibility—to make important decisions, shift their priorities as the times and events require, and take on initiatives to improve society at large. This may be even more true today than in any other moment in recent times. Recent surveys have shown that the majority of Americans expressed trust in businesses at significantly higher percentages than the number who trusted governments or the media. This has certainly not always been the case and it presents an opportunity for those of us in the communications business as well as for our clients.

Over the past several years as we faced many major social, cultural and environmental issues and challenges, as diverse as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic disparity and global warming, our commitment has been further underscored and integrated into our work with our clients. We are proud to work with so many corporations and other institutions that are taking stands on these and other important issues.

As we step back again this year to assess what we have achieved and what more needs to be done, we review and revise our goals and continue to do our best to work toward achieving even more progress. Our purpose-directed approach and values guide our work every day, and we strive to listen and solicit feedback with a focus on improvement. This bi-annual Impact Report shows how we are doing in reaching our goals. It also is a way to make us review where we are, to hold ourselves accountable, and to recognize that each of us must take the necessary steps to make a difference, if even a small one, on critical issues.

Let’s make progress together,

Amy Binder


RF|Binder 2021-2022 Impact Report

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