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RF|Binder’s Response to Dobbs v. Jackson Decision

By Amy Binder

Exterior shot of a courthouse.

Below are excerpts from an internal memo from Amy Binder to the RF|Binder team regarding the recent Dobbs v. Jackson decision repealing Roe v. Wade

Dear RF|Binder team,

Given the recent Dobbs v. Jackson decision repealing Roe v. Wade, we wanted to reaffirm our firm’s position on this topic. As a women-owned and operated firm that is committed to female empowerment, we find it extremely distressing to see women’s rights and frankly human rights, so directly compromised. RF|Binder wholeheartedly and unequivocally supports a person’s right to make autonomous and personal decisions about their bodies and their health.

Roe v. Wade went into effect as a law when I was just a teenager and I remember hearing stories of women who had to have abortions and the terrible medical traumas that they faced because abortions were illegal back then, even in New York. To see us going backwards in time is extremely disturbing. We know that there always have been inequities for women with respect to access to healthcare and particularly reproductive rights, and this fact being even more of a reality for BIPOC women. This decision underscores and further exacerbates these injustices.

While we recognize and respect that the individuals who make up our RF|Binder community may have their own personal viewpoints, which may differ, we as a firm believe that women must continue to hold the power of choice.

The far-reaching impacts from this decision already have begun, so we are taking action now towards what we believe in. To that end, we share below the immediate steps our firm is taking, as we continue to think through how we can make an even greater contribution to reproductive choice.

  • Benefits to ensure RF|Binder team members have access to essential reproductive care: Comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including elective abortion, continues to be covered under RF|Binder’s health insurance. We also will reimburse up to $3,000 in out-of-pocket travel expenses, for employees or spouses who need to go out of state to obtain essential healthcare, including reproductive care, no longer offered in their state due to Dobbs v. Jackson.
  • Voting and Making Your Voice Heard: As we have said before, voting in all elections is critical to our democracy, and this year voting in the midterms will be even more critical than it has been in a long time. We believe voting is one of the most important ways to ensure you have representatives on the local, state and federal level that represent your point of view. It is why we have the Voting Sub-Committee as one of the core pillars of our Social Justice Committee. This Sub-Committee will continue to share resources and information about upcoming elections and host activities to take lawful action.
  • Small Group Discussion: Last month the Voting Sub-Committee held a small group discussion and a letter writing campaign in response to the leak of this decision. The Voting Sub-Committee will be hosting an additional discussion in July, so that we have a chance to come together and discuss how we are feeling and processing this news in a safe environment. Look out for more information from this Sub-Committee.
  • Donation to Planned Parenthood: RF|Binder has contributed $2500 to the Planned Parenthood and in addition we will match dollar for dollar, up to an additional $2500, all donations our team members make to Planned Parenthood. You can donate directly using this link. You can do so by clicking “one-time” donation if you wish. We have chosen Planned Parenthood due to its leadership in fighting for laws and policies that protect one’s reproductive health and rights. We will match all gifts until we reach an additional $2500. Of course, whether or not you want to make a contribution is your own personal decision.

We will be continuing to assess opportunities for us as a firm to take action and welcome your ideas and suggestions.  We look forward to seeing the progress we can make together.


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