Marketing the Future of Workplace Savings in Colorado

New legislation has passed in many states that enables businesses to offer workplace retirement savings programs to their employees. Vestwell, the leading cloud-based platform powering workplace savings programs, needed to increase awareness, adoption and registration among business owners of the state-sponsored retirement savings programs it was facilitating in Colorado.


Make it human, simple and easy. Our strategy was to demystify the investment process, and imbue Vestwell’s programs with a sense of clarity for employers and employees. The vision was to drive business owner education and engagement, deepen program credibility, and convert to higher enrollment.

Cartoon employees conversating with each other

Explainer Video for Savers

Explainer Video for Employers

LinkedIn campaign targeting CPAs and small business owners

A set of LinkedIn campaign for Colorado Secure Savings

Out-Of-Home campaign

Posters for Colorado Secure Savings