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How Advisors Can Leverage Social Media to Drive Brand and Business

By Mo Shafroth

Illustration of a business man working on a desk with social media icons

It’s becoming more of a common occurrence. As you scroll through social media, up pops a LinkedIn post from your wealth manager with a thoughtful tip on navigating market volatility, or a photo highlighting the firm’s community service program.

Welcome to the bleeding edge of financial advice, where traditional oak-lined offices and plush leather chairs are colliding with TikTok, X and LinkedIn. A 2023 Putnam Investments survey found that 93% of financial advisors are using social media for business – up almost 20% since the survey began in 2013.

While social media has been part of advisor practices for a while, the landscape has changed significantly since the beginning of the global pandemic. Putnam found that tighter compliance oversight and increased enforcement of the SEC’s marketing rule have shifted how advisors leverage this communications channel.

With a heightened regulatory environment, advisors are under more pressure to get their social media strategy right. Here are five ways to make it more effective:

Don’t boil the ocean

Focus on one or two social media platforms to efficiently reach your target audience and allocate resources effectively. This approach allows you to create high-quality content without stretching yourself too thin. LinkedIn has emerged as a favorite of advisors; the Putnam survey found that it is the primary network for four out of five advisors. X, formerly known as Twitter, is commonly used by advisors to amplify content and monitor brand mentions. And these platforms and others may help advisors open doors to prospects, including, Gen Z, the next generation of wealth. According to Hootsuite’s 2024 Trends report, more than three-quarters of internet users use social media for brand research.

Be consistent

As with other elements of an integrated communications strategy, consistency is key to success. The more frequently you post, the more chances you have to engage with followers and build strong relationships. But staying consistent doesn’t mean quitting your day job. Effective social media advisors spent about 20 minutes a day on social media and brought in new clients through their efforts, according to the Putnam survey.


Create original content that offers a distinctive viewpoint, addressing the pressing concerns that speak to your audience’s financial needs without being too salesy, or offering content that provides insights into your company’s values and philosophy. It’s also important to engage with perspective clients where they are:  A Forbes Advisor survey found that “79% of Americans representing the millennial or Gen Z age groups have gotten financial advice from social media.” These are the beneficiaries of the $90 trillion Great Wealth Transfer that baby boomers are expected to leave to their children and grandchildren – the next generation of advisor clients.

Be authentic

Authenticity is another crucial factor in social media engagement. The pandemic spurred an outpouring of genuine, but slightly cringe-worthy social media posts. In the post-pandemic world, advisors need a strategic framework to supercharge social interactions.  Whether it’s through the tone of their posts or the clarity of their messaging, authenticity breeds trust and resonates with audiences on a deeper level. By sharing personal anecdotes, insights, and experiences, advisors can humanize their brand and connect with clients on a more personal level.

It’s not all about you

Effective social media engagement is not all about you and your firm. Advisors must strike a balance between promoting their services and providing valuable content to their audience. The “80/20” rule is a useful guideline, where 80% of the content should be informative, educational, inspirational, or entertaining, while only 20% should be promotional. By curating a mix of industry trends, news updates, personal observations, and promotional content, advisors can keep their audience engaged without overwhelming them with sales pitches.

You’re not alone

Establishing a lasting social media strategy requires careful planning, education, and effective execution. Fortunately, there are affordable turnkey solutions available to advisors, handling everything from content creation to distribution. By integrating social media into communication and marketing efforts, financial advisors can transform their business and strengthen client relationships. Don’t wait—seize the opportunity to leverage social media and elevate your firm to greater success.


Contact us to discuss how we can aid in this critical marketing and business development endeavor.

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